TSC Cast #033 | Astronomy Domine
Behind the name Astronomy Domine lies Andrea Atzeni, an Italian DJ and producer born in 1990 in Sardinia, now based in Turin. Atzeni is the founder/owner of the Italian label OVUNQVE. He has always been attracted to psychedelic music, ambient music, horror and thriller film soundtracks, mental rhythms and ethnic music. Sound and soul research are his way. He also loves being versatile and tries not to follow a specific music genre, instead he produces music based on his feelings. He believes his own music comes from distant worlds, lunar landscapes and shamanic rituals. His sets are unpredictable, as he tries to combine ambient, techno, progressive, dub, ethnic and house music.
How was the project Astronomy Domine born and when exactly did you feel the need to give life to your Italian based label OVUNQVE?
I’ve had many aliases in the past: “Andrea Atzeni”, “The Smiling Strangers” and other secret aliases :) Astronomy Domine was born in 2015 because I felt the need to change myself and the sound of my soul. I’ve always been attracted to the horror movies soundtracks’ and the psychedelic/hypnotic music. The name “Astronomy Domine” comes from Pink Floyd’s title track.
Before the OVUNQVE label was born, I formed SOMEWHERE REC label together with Andrea Porcu (Rohs! Rec. Owner) in 2012. After 5 years, I closed Somewhere Rec. The name OVUNQVE comes from the Italian language. I chose OVUNQVE because its English translation is the opposite of SOMEWHERE (SOMEWHERE=DA QUALCHE PARTE), which was the name of my previously mentioned ex label. OVUNQVE is my solo project born in 2016 :)
What exactly are you working on at this moment and what else do you have in store beside your recently released EP Lammas?
My new work for Aleja Sanchez’s label (Northallsen Records) was just released on June 18th. My second EP is also coming out on Illegal Alien Records (Ricardo Garduno’s label) by the end of this month. At the moment, I’m working on a new EP, which actually will be a vinyl, out in September/October with two super remixes which I prefer to keep secret. I’m also working on a new album with a new sound concept for 2019.
Are there any influences that could be noticed in your production and how do you gather inspiration from everyday life?
I think my music is the mirror of what I can not say with words. I really listen to a lot of music. I think I draw inspiration from everything I do and listen to.
Which analogue/digital gear are you currently using? Furthermore, has the idea of a live performance ever crossed your mind?
Live performance will be my next step. But I prefer to study and take my time to plan the show as much as I can. I am working with what I have for the moment. I love field recordings and editing them. With time, I learned and realized that it is not important to have a big studio, but to have some great ideas :) I’m using Ableton 10, audio card, 2 keyboards (25 and 49), 2 recorders (Zoom h4n pro) for field recordings, tr-8, some pedal effects, vocoder, midi controllers, and some VST.
If you had to choose 3 tracks to convey your particular musical spirit to the audience, which would they be?
I have more than 3, but if I really had to choose then:
Matthew Jonson – Learning To Fly;
Unit 4 – Bodydub (Tiefschwarz Remix);
Nathan Fake – The Sky Was Pink (James Holden remix).
Which Italian club you find the best to experiment different styles in a night?
I don’t like talking about one club only, but I can recommend some of the cities with the best clubs: Rome, Turin, Milan, Bologna and some parties in Puglia and Sardinia Island.
And lastly, what is your most significant musical achievement?
Definitely Tresor & Mo:Dem Festival. Other than that, to have been remixed by the legendary Pacou is another achievement and, of course, Richie Hawtin who talked about me and my track on BBC Radio1. To work alongside artists like Yuka and Electric Indigo, and to have producers/artists on OVUNQVE’s like Svreca, Blndr, Fjader, Retina.it, Refracted, Synthek, Roberto Clementi, Drafted, Fabrizio Lapiana etc. I still have a long way to go. I’m in no hurry, I’m only 27 years old…
Connect with Astronomy Domine on Facebook and SoundCloud.
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