TSC Cast #024 | Bmbmnd
Bmbmnd is a project born two years ago from the mind of Andrea Domeniconi. The ambient/dub/techno/celestial sonorities accompany every dark/melancholic track produced by this undefined entity. Bmbmnd is a blend of atmospherics, grinding rhythms and perfectly positioned harmonies that together form Andrea’s unconscious.
Growing up between two Italian cities, Bologna and Rimini, this young talent has found the music genre in which he can successfully express himself: ambient-techno. Thanks to it, he manages to show his sad, melancholic side, disturbed or simply meditative and dreamy. This interview reveals more of Andrea’s accomplishments over the past two years – and it’s exciting to know there is much more to come!
Our pleasure to have you featured, Andrea! Your project Bmbmnd was born only two years ago. Where were you based back then and what made you do it?
Before I started my Bmbmnd project, I listened to a lot of ambient and techno music which gave me perspective when it came to my own production and what I liked. I realized that, what I was composing, could be appreciated by someone. In the beginning, I was simply searching for the right labels where I can release my music. You must educate yourself first, otherwise your music can end up unreleased.
When was your very first attempt in music production and has your style been consistent since then?
My first attempt in music production was based on a good relation between textures, soundscape sounds and basic analog machines like 606, 707, 808, 909. Maybe what makes my style different are the odd ambients where my sound travels through space.
How would you describe the founding of your own personal sound and whose influences have been present during the process?
I’m constantly influenced by others’ music or ideas. I have released some tracks composed in less than an afternoon. That happens when I’m really inspired with clear path to simply follow my mind. I believe I can compose ideas in my mind. There are also periods in which I can stay hours and hours in front of my laptop without bringing anything satisfactory out. So when I have a clear idea of a track, I start a new project and try to get it done in less time. This is my mindset.
In a recent interview you revealed that you can fully express yourself through the ambient-techno genre. What makes it different compared to the other sub-genres?
I don’t like the idea of dance floor techno too much. I prefer to produce music that can be listened at home. I like tracks with strange elements in ambient key. In my everyday life I am listening to different genres like indie or trap music especially when I drive. This is because I am always looking for new inspiration and different sound metrics. Still the best way to express myself in music is to compose tracks in ambient/drone/techno way.
Has it always been easy to fight the possessing competition of your homeland Italy or, you find that more inspiring? Moreover, have you ever come across difficulties of any type?
There isn’t any type of competition. There are artists that are excellent at producing music and other artists very good at copying them. From my experience, I can only say that the process is slow when you want to release music. My advise is to work with already established labels if you want your music to be released in less than 5 months. You have to believe in yourself and what you produce and nobody can stop you. My goal is not just to practice my DJ skills, but to be booked for what I do and the music I create.
You have an upcoming album on Ovunqve. Where did you gather inspiration from for this particular album and would you mind sharing its exact release date?
The album is expected to be released next month in digital format. I don’t want to reveal anything else since I want be a real surprise. I chose 10 tracks with an acid, a bit industrial sound, but not classic techno 4/4. Moreover, I followed only one concept: DIFFERENT SOUND. It’s not an easy job to combine strange sounds, so I followed my mind and selected only 10 tracks from all of the 25 I produced. Another idea that I followed, was to create a story with an intro and an outro. In this album you can feel the influence from Prince of Denmark, CHPTR and Edit Select.
What else can we expect from you in the nearest future?
At the moment I don’t have anything particular planned as I want things to come in their natural way. I want to be able to travel more thanks to my music and I hope people will enjoy my upcoming album as much as I do.
Connect with Bmbmnd on Facebook and SoundCloud.
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