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TSC Behind The Decks | Chaim

"TSC Behind The Decks Chaim"

TSC Behind The Decks | Chaim

Chaim is an Israeli musician, whose organic and forward-thinking music rouses listeners around the globe. His productions have found homes on some of the industry’s most notable labels, including BPitch Control, Rumors, Supplement Facts, Visionquest, Disco Halal, Saved, Cocoon, and many more.

2020 is not exactly the year for our scene but 2021 will the best ever. That’s what I feel.

Listen/Buy Chaim's remix


Hi Chaim! Thanks for being our guest in today’s interview. Where am I catching you and what have you been up to?
I am in Tel Aviv, my home town. I’ve been here for the past 3-4 months since getting back from my long tour of Asia, Tulum and the U.S. I was lucky enough to get back home and also had the luck to play in the last show in Tel Aviv which was the Circoloco Tel Aviv.

Let’s take a look back. How did you get into music? Can you still remember the moment you fell in love with electronic music and started producing and DJing?
I guess when I was around 10 years old listening to Depeche Mode “Enjoy The Silence” coming out of the speakers of my older brother’s room. That was just one of the moments. Of course there were a lot of moments like that in the late 80’s and early 90’s and that was the time when it all began to cook up in my head.

A lot of amazing talent has been coming from Israel for many many years. How did the Israeli nature landscapes and music scene influence you as an artist?
It has always been difficult for me to find the words to describe it, but there is an intense energy in the way people support each other. Established artists are really open for newcomers and there are a lot of collaborations which is very positive. I’ve seen a huge growth of the scene in Israel over the past ten years and I believe a lot of it is down to that support and positivity.

What do you like to do outside of music? What is your favourite nature element?
My favourite thing at the moment, besides music, is horses. I have 2 horses right now this animal is very close to my heart. Their nature and their behaviour is something that fascinates me. I’m pretty sure in my previous life I was a horse =)

You recently played a livestream with impressive visuals at the Forum Club. Do you prefer to play at big open air festivals in nature or in more intimate nightclubs?
Definitely open air!

You have a very exciting remix which came out on June 12th for dOP on Eleatics Records. Can you tell us a bit about your approach to it? How did this collaboration come about?
I have long relation with dOP especially with JAW the singer. We’ve been friends for years and we did many songs together over the years. I always loved their sound so when they approached me to do this remix it was a no-brainer. I loved working on it — it’s so easy as well with JAW’s vocal always sounds great.

How did you use the break from touring and performing during the COVID-19 lockdown?
I took the time to be the family of course…and I’ve been spending a lot of time working on new music. I actually have a few new releases actually done and released over the past few weeks, so it’s been quite effective.
Other than that i have been cooking and spending time in my home kitchen :)

How do you think the clubbing culture will change after the lockdown stops and clubs open up again?
I am very curious to be honest. I can’t think of exactly how we do it and how we continue from here, but I’m sure it will all come back to normal in the next few months. It’s been a big loss for the whole industry but slowly it will come back. 2020 is not exactly the year for our scene but 2021 will the best ever. That’s what I feel.

Are there any exciting projects coming in the future that you would like to share?
Besides the remixes you already mentioned I have another remix for a legendary Israeli acoustic guitar player who signed an instrumental album at BMG, which is out now. I also have a new EP on my label ” Blue Shadow” that will be released during the summer which i think will surprise my fans and some collaborations and re-edits that will find their way to the dance floors :)

Thanks again for the interview Chaim. Stay safe and positive!
You too and please stay safe. Wear a mask, wash your hands and try to follow the instructions. We want to get over this horrible period so let’s do it together. Love xx

Connect with Chaim on Facebook and SoundCloud.


Written By: Philip Panov

Founder / Director of The Sound Clique