Distortion Festival 2020 announces first names
Distortion Festival 2020 is ready with the first 16 names for this year’s event. Two of the first names to be announced for Distortion 2020 are fan-favourites Peggy Gou and Solomun.
Today’s announcement also includes Belgian techno sensation Charlotte de Witte, who guarantees hard-core techno-party, completed with Spanish John Talabot, and Danish electronic stars Be Svendsen and Kölsch. The latter plays his first open air show in Denmark, having previously played sets worldwide, including the Eiffel Tower for Cercle.
Distortion Festival 2020 tickets on sale“Peggy Gou and Solomun are some of the world’s most sought after DJs. We still can’t believe they have agreed to play in the forest on Refshaleøen. And then Charlotte de Witte is the world’s biggest techno name – which I am most looking forward to. We’ve never had such a strong lineup!”says Distortion’s director, Thomas Fleurquin.
Canadian TR / ST returns to Denmark with its dark but catchy pop universe following last year’s sold-out concert at Lille Vega, while a performance delivered by South African FAKA highlights the challenges that exist for black queers and other minorities in their home country. The 16 artists are distributed on the Rave stage, the Disco stage and the Live stage, all three of which have been expanded with bigger names and productions than before. The infamous Tekno Tunnel scene also returns.
This year Distortion Festival turns 22 and as the tradition goes, the culmination of it all will be on Refshaleøen island in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Distortion 2020 tickets on sale“We love our little forest and we keep developing it with better scenes, wilder light shows, fireworks, bigger flames and better food … Up to 40% of our audience are international guests, there are almost too few Danes, come on friends!”, says Distortion’s director, Thomas Fleurquin.
Distortion Ø 2020 line-up
In 2020, Distortion takes place from Wednesday, June 3 to Sunday, June 7
Wednesday: Street party, Nørrebro
Thursday: Street party, Vesterbro
Friday: Distortion Ø 2020, Refshaleøen
Saturday: Distortion Ø 2020, Refshaleøen
Sunday: Hygge day party, location not revealed
Friday, June 5
Bakery (UK)
Be Svendsen (DK)
John Talabot (ES)
Kampire (UG) – DK debut
Now Guinea (IT)
Octavian (UK)
박혜진 park hye jin (KR) – DK debut
Peggy Gou (KR)
Solomun (DE)
Saturday, June 6
Charlotte de Witte (BE)
Danielle (UK) – DK debut
Kölsch (DK)
Octo Octa (US)
TR / ST (CA)
Wavy the Creator (NG) – DK debut
More announcements about Distortion Festival 2020 coming up this spring.
Connect with Distortion Festival 2020 on Facebook and Instagram.
Cover photo by Ekvidi Jason Krüger
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